Relationship Mastery
How to optimise every relationship in your life
Great managers manage teams well. Successful companies manage people well. Top salespeople manage prospects well. High achievers manage themselves well. Sages manage life well. Millionaires manage money well. Fulfilling marriages are the product of two people working well together. Healthy relationships literally make the world go round.
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So you're married, now what?
So you're married, now what? Any fool can fall in love, staying in love require skill. Well known South african author brings you the eagerly awaited sequel to So you're engaged now what?
To his 26 year relationship, including 19 years of parenthood, Stephen adds his many years of research into human behaviour and philosophy to bring you this beautifully pragmatic book on relationships.
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So you're alive, now what?
A book about Life – from birth to death and everything in between. A beautifully pragmatic view of life and how to live it. A series of philosophical life skill tips and insights that will start you on a new journey of discovery and liberation. What could be more important than contemplating the eternal questions? "This book is the culmination of almost 50 years of searching. It is everything I have. I trust that you will glean some personal benefit from it."
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So you've lost someone, now what?
There are no words that can take away the pain you are feeling right now. If there were, I would certainly say them. There is nothing I can do to bring your loved one back. If there was, I would surely do it. All I can do is assist you all to move through this final rite of passage and hopefully move you one step closer to peaceful closure. Grieving is normal, it is a rite of passage and part of the healing process. Your emotions now are fully understandable, acceptable and expected. No matter where you are on the journey, be it finding out someone is terminally ill to missing them a year after they passed, this book is designed to be there to assist you through the process.
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People Mastery
Coming soon
So you've found a lover, now what?
Sex is Normal. Sex is Beautiful. Sex can be Spiritual. Sex is important. And while it's one of the main ingredients in every love relationship it's also the great taboo subject with human beings. Allow me to break some of the sexual myths you have been taught. Allow me to teach you some wonderful techniques to fulfil your partner. Allow me to assist you to enhance your relationship using advanced sexual techniques.
Coming soon
So you're a manager, now what?
Truly understanding oneself is the key to self-fulfilment and living an inspiring life. Knowing what you value and which area of life you resonate with gives you valuable insights into what's truly important to you and where you will be most authentic and productive. When you recognize how your daily activities support your values you will fully appreciate what you do and instantly become more inspired and motivated, not only at work but in all areas of your life. Great Leaders know who they are, they know what they bring to the world, they are able to articulate & persuade. Most importantly, they know where they are going and will endure pain and pleasure to achieve their goals. Learn how to ignite leadership now.
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So you're in Soweto, now what?
Coming soon
So you're in sales, now what?
Coming soon